
From SC4D Encyclopaedia
Revision as of 09:16, 18 August 2008 by sc4e>JoeST (→‎Language Templates: added width)
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A list of templates and reasons why you would use them, including appropriate locations, etc...

How to Use a Template

To use a template in a document just include the code in the What you type column in the tables below. Or use the info under the Syntax heading on the template page itself. Remember to fill in all the parameters associated with the template, or it wont display properly.

For example, to include the Language template (on a page with Dutch, French and Japanese translations):


will look like this:

Languages Languages:

English • Dutch (Nederlands) • French (français) • Japanese (日本語)

Curent Templates

The the sections below show all of the templates currently available on the wiki.

Userpage Templates

Main article: Help:Userboxes
Template Name What you type What you see Variables
SiteProfile {{SiteProfile| site = | id = | name = }} Include wiki code here
  • site - The name of the site.
  • id - Your user ID
  • name - (optional) can be added if you want your name to replace "My"
| border-c = 
| border-s = 
| id-c = 
| id-s = 
| id-fc = 
| id-fs = 
| id-p = 
| id-lh = 
| info-c = 
| info-s = 
| info-fc = 
| info-fs = 
| info-p =
| info-lh = 
| id = 
| info = 
id info
For details of the userbox syntax, see the template decription page.

Infobox Templates

Template Name What you type What you see Variables
Infobox TGI
{{Infobox TGI
| name = 
| format = 
| type = 
| group = 
| instance = 
| comments = }}
See the template description for details
  • name - The name of the TGI.
  • format -
  • type - The Type ID of the object, defines what file type the file is (?)
  • group - The Group ID of the object
  • instance - The Instance ID of the object
  • comments (optional) - Any comments on the TGI.
Infobox lot
{{infobox lot 
|type = 
|image1 = 
|image2 = 
|desc = 
|credits = 
|support = 
|download-site = 
|download-id = 
See the template description for details
  • type - the type of lot it is (either plop or grow).
  • image1 - an example image.
  • image2 - another example image.
  • desc - the lot description (readme)
  • credits - any credits
  • supports - any supporting acts
  • download-site - the download site
  • download-id - the download lot id
Infobox grow
{{infobox grow 
|download-site = 
|download-id = 
|image1 = 
|image2 = 
|desc = 
|credits = 
|support = 
|size = 
|style = 
|type = 
|stage = 
|occupants = 
|worth = 
|bulldoze-cost = 
|construction-time = 
|fire = 
|power = 
|water = 
|air-mag = 
|air-spr = 
|water-mag = 
|water-spr = 
|garbage-mag = 
|garbage-spr = 
|depend = 
See the template description for details
  • image1, image2, desc, credits, support, download-site, download-id - See Template:Infobox_lot for details.
  • size ([a]x[b]) - Lot size a tiles long by b tiles wide.
  • type - The type of lot Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural
  • style - The Tileset the lot grows under
  • stage - The Growth Stage of the lot.
  • occupants - The maximum number of Sims that can live/work in the LOT
  • worth -
  • bulldoze-cost - The number of Simoleons (without the § sign as that is already there) the building costs to demolish.
  • construction-time - The time it takes for the lot to be constructed
  • fire - The maximum fire stage, if the lot reaches this stage in a fire it will be destroyed.
  • power - The amount of electrical power consumed by the lot, in MWh/month.
  • water - The amount of water consumed by the lot, in Gallons/month.
  • air-mag - The magnitued of Air Pollution over air-spr tiles.
  • water-mag - The magnitude of Water Pollution over water-spr tiles.
  • garbage-mag - The magnitude of Garbage Pollution over garbage-spr tiles.
  • depend - Any dependencies that are needed for this lot to work.
Infobox plop
{{infobox plop 
|download-site = 
|download-id = 
|image1 = 
|image2 = 
|desc = 
|credits = 
|support = 
|size = 
|menu = 
|jobs = 
|plop-cost = 
|monthly-cost = 
|bulldoze-cost = 
|park-mag = 
|park-spr = 
|landmark-mag = 
|landmark-spr = 
|fire = 
|power = 
|water = 
|air-mag = 
|air-spr = 
|water-mag = 
|water-spr = 
|garbage-mag = 
|garbage-spr = 
|depend = 
See the template description for details
  • image1, image2, desc, credits, support, download-site, download-id - See Template:Infobox_lot for details.
  • size ([a]x[b]) - Lot size a tiles long by b tiles wide.
  • menu - The menu the lot resides in.
  • jobs - The number of jobs the lot supplies (can be formatted with $'s if the lot supplies multiple wealth jobs).
  • plop-cost - The number of Simoleons (without the § sign as that is already there) the building costs to build.
  • bulldoze-cost - The number of Simoleons (without the § sign as that is already there) the building costs to demolish.
  • park-mag - The magnitude of Park Effect over park-spr tiles.
  • landmark-mag - The magnitude of Landmark Effect over landmark-spr tiles.
  • fire - The maximum fire stage, if the lot reaches this stage in a fire it will be destroyed.
  • power - The amount of electrical power consumed by the lot, in MWh/month.
  • water - The amount of water consumed by the lot, in Gallons/month.
  • air-mag - The magnitued of Air Pollution over air-spr tiles.
  • water-mag - The magnitude of Water Pollution over water-spr tiles.
  • garbage-mag - The magnitude of Garbage Pollution over garbage-spr tiles.
  • depend - Any dependencies that are needed for this lot to work.

Request/Marking Templates

Main article: Help:Marking Articles
Template Name What you type What you see Variables
(edit talk links history)
{{current}} N/A
(edit talk links history)
{{review}} N/A
(edit talk links history)
{{expand}} N/A
(edit talk links history)
{{stub|extracontent}} extracontent: any information relating to what particular information is required.
(edit talk links history)
{{sectstub|extracontent}} extracontent: any information relating to what particular information is required.
Template:Inappropriate tone 
(edit talk links history)
{{inappropriate tone}} N/A
(edit talk links history)
{{wikify}} N/A
(edit talk links history)
{{external}} N/A
(edit talk links history)
{{globalize}} N/A
(edit talk links history)
{{cleanup}} N/A
(edit talk links history)
{{rename|newname|reason}} rename: your suggestion for the new name of the article

reason: why you think the article should be renamed

(edit talk links history)
{{remove|reason}} reason: why you think the article is no longer necessary

Language Templates

Template Name What you type What you see Variables
Language Bar
Languages Languages:

English • German (Deutsch) • French (français) • Japanese (日本語) • Chinese (中文)

*lang (multiple, optional) - the 2 character code of the languages where a translation of this page is available. The code for English (en) does not need to be inlcuded, its presence is assumed by the template.

Other Templates

How to Make a Template