Pipe Occupant Subfile

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This page pertains to the format of the Pipe Occupant Subfile within the Savegame files. This file has Type ID 0x49c05b9f and was decoded by smf_16. The file contains information on how to render the underground pipes view.


The structure of a record is very similar to the structure of the Network Subfile 2.

DWORD   Size
DWORD   Memory address
WORD    Major version
WORD    Minor version
BYTE    Zot byte
BYTE    Unknown
DWORD   Unknown
BYTE    Apperance byte (always 0x05)
DWORD   Unknown (always 0xc772bf98)
BYTE    Min Tract X Coordinate  (normally between 0x40 and 0x7F)
BYTE    Min Tract Z Coordinate  (normally between 0x40 and 0x7F)
BYTE    Max Tract X Coordinate  (normally between 0x40 and 0x7F)
BYTE    Max Tract Z Coordinate  (normally between 0x40 and 0x7F)
WORD    X Tract Size (power of 2)  (only seen 0x0002 ... 2² = 4 tiles)
WORD    Z Tract Size (power of 2)  (only seen 0x0002 ... 2² = 4 tiles)
DWORD   Count of Properties  (I've only seen 0x00000000)
    SGPROP  SaveGame Properties, repeated Count times
DWORD   Group ID  (always 0x00000000)
DWORD   Type ID  (always 0x00000000)
DWORD   Instance ID  (always 0x00000000)
BYTE    Unknown (always 0x05)

# Next follow 9 floats, they represent a 2D transformation matrix, probably 
# for the texture (though no texture is drawn for pipe occupants). Most of the 
# time this is the identity matrix.

FLOAT32	Center X coordinate
FLOAT32 Center Y coordinate
FLOAT32 Center Z coordinate

    # Next follows 4 times a data structure that contains information for
    # drawing a texture.
    3 x FLOAT32  (x, y, z) coordinates of the vertex
    2 x FLOAT32  (u, v) coordinates for texture mapping
    4 x BYTE     (r, g, b, a) values indicating a color (either #ffffffff or #ffffff80).

DWORD   Id of pipe model to show. Seen several values (0x00004b00: straight 
        piece, 0x00020700: + piece, ...)
5xBYTE  Unknown
BYTE    Orientation
3xBYTE  Unknown
BYTE    Network Type (0x04)
BYTE    Connection west  (0x02 for straight, 0x01 or 0x03 for diagonal)
BYTE    Connection north (0x02 for straight, 0x01 or 0x03 for diagonal)
BYTE    Connection east  (0x02 for straight, 0x01 or 0x03 for diagonal)
BYTE    Connection south (0x02 for straight, 0x01 or 0x03 for diagonal)
4xBYTE  Unknown
FLOAT32 Xmin
FLOAT32 Xmax
FLOAT32 Ymin
FLOAT32 Ymax
FLOAT32 Zmin
FLOAT32 Zmax
3xBYTE  Unknown
BYTE    Unknown (mostly 0x10, seen 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15) for diagonal tiles as well.
4xDWORD Unknown
DWORD   Unknown  (Always 50)
DWORD   Unknown  (0x00000000)
WORD    Unknown  (0x0000)
FLOAT32 Unknown  (Normally 1)
DWORD   Number of vertical side textures to draw (see below)

# Below follow 5 arrays defining the sides of the hole. If an array is empty, 
# there is no texture to be rendered at that side (typically for straight 
# sections). Order is west, north, east, south, bottom.
DWORD   Count  (Either 0 or 4)
   3 x FLOAT32  (x, y, z) coordinates of the vertex
   2 x FLOAT32  (u, v) coordinates for texture mapping
   4 x BYTE     (r, g, b, a) values indicating a color (either #ffffffff or #ffffff80).
DWORD   Count  (Either 0 or 4)
   3 x FLOAT32  (x, y, z) coordinates of the vertex
   2 x FLOAT32  (u, v) coordinates for texture mapping
   4 x BYTE     (r, g, b, a) values indicating a color (either #ffffffff or #ffffff80).
DWORD   Count  (Either 0 or 4)
   3 x FLOAT32  (x, y, z) coordinates of the vertex
   2 x FLOAT32  (u, v) coordinates for texture mapping
   4 x BYTE     (r, g, b, a) values indicating a color (either #ffffffff or #ffffff80).
DWORD   Count  (Either 0 or 4)
   3 x FLOAT32  (x, y, z) coordinates of the vertex
   2 x FLOAT32  (u, v) coordinates for texture mapping
   4 x BYTE     (r, g, b, a) values indicating a color (either #ffffffff or #ffffff80).
DWORD   Count  (Either 0 or 4)
   3 x FLOAT32  (x, y, z) coordinates of the vertex
   2 x FLOAT32  (u, v) coordinates for texture mapping
   4 x BYTE     (r, g, b, a) values indicating a color (either #ffffffff or #ffffff80).

DWORD   Unknown  (Always 0x00000000)

# Next follow 16 floats, representing the values of the transformation matrix for the model
#  | a b c d |
#  | d e f g |
#  | h i j k |
#  | l m n o |
# d, g and k are the translation components and are set to the position *in the city*.
16 x FLOAT32

DWORD    X Tile
DWORD    Z Tile
BOOLEAN  False if diagonal from NW to SE, true if diagonal from SW to NE
BOOLEAN  False if this side is "off" for diagonal network
BOOLEAN  False if this side is "off" for diagonal network (both true for straight and parallel diagonal network).
FLOAT32  Y terrain coordinate of NW corner
FLOAT32  Y terrain coordinate of SW corner
FLOAT32  Y terrain coordinate of SE corner
FLOAT32  Y terrain coordinate of SW corner
FLOAT32  Y coordinate of the pipe model
DWORD    Subfile ID (0x49c05b9f)
DWORD    Unknown
DWORD    Unknown