Follomer Chancellery

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City Journal

General Information
Author Archean
Status Active
Tags Simtropolis · Alternative to History
Awards This City Journal has won no awards
Language English


Formerly known as the New Follomer Republic, the nation was founded over four hundred years ago (simcity time) and is a leading SuperPower in the world currently occupied by the nations in the AFDES Alliance. The Follomer Chancellery's Capitol city, Tristania City, was formerly known as Uniden City. Though after countless reconstructions, the city was finally named, Tristania, after the Chancellors unborn baby son, Tristan. Follomer has only one colony on the island, Lomni off Follomers Southern coast. A population of over 36,000 Follsims (Follomerians)inhabit the cities, Terralai, Lynarra City and Virgin Harbor; a colony city of Virgin Shores. On the Follomer Main Land, over 315,000 Follsims inhabit the major cities of Tristania City, Dehyesha City, Highton, and Kristina City. Spread throughout the nation are also towns of Yulsa, Luxerra, Cheltan, Lorrisi Bay, Dehya Park and others. The Follomer Chancellery, back when it was still a Republic had developed its first Nuclear capabilities around fifty to a hundred years ago, then shortly after suffered a Terrorist attack on the capitol city in the form of a Nuclear Explosion which killed thousands of lives within the city center. The warhead was stolen from the nearby Military Installation and then sent on a city bus headed into downtown. After the explosion, the city quickly rebuilt with taller skyscrapers, showing the nations resolve to prosper, its national saying, "All Prosper In The Republic". Several years later, a war broke out on the Island of Lomni between Follomer Republic Loyalists and Follomer Separatists known as the Follomer Liberation Forces. The war destroyed Lynarra City in East Lomni, but never reached the city of Terralai when Follomer Loyalists pushed the invasion forces back. After the; what was named the "Terralian War", the nation saw a long era of peace, where the country grew and expanded its horizons, developing more advanced technologies before finally joining an alliance with nine other nations known as the AFDES. The founding nations, Virgin Shores and Franklin County had previously founded an Oil deal with Follomer before the Alliance. To this day, Follomer remains a SuperPower among the world and is still in peacetime.


Follomer's current Alliance with other nations is the Alliance of Fuel Developing and Exporting States (AFDES). Founded by national leader deathtopumpkins, self proclaimed leader of Virgin Shores, the Alliance priority goal is to develop more useful, cleaner and reliable energy sources. The Alliance runs the same as a Confederacy and Summits are held in each member state once a month on the same day. The first Summit was held in Calder City in September, and the October 2008 Summit is planned to be held in Tristania City in the Follomer Chancellery. Ten nations altogether make up the Alliance, Follomer being one of the first to acquire membership. As of now, Follomer is currently working on enlarging its Anti-Gravity propulsion technology for use with manned and unmanned missions to other planets. Working in unison with Franklin County who is developing Magnetic Levitation Technology.


The Chancellery's military stands as one of the most powerful in the world, coming close to comparison with Calder City's armed forces as well as Franklins and possibly other nations. Follomer has attained its status as a SuperPower amongst the other nations because of its recent military stimulus after the Terralian War, calling for a larger armed forces to maintain internal security. The current, yet not approximate number of Follomer's army stands in the hundreds of thousands, with a Naval Fleet of two Aircraft Carriers, two Battleships and five Cruisers. The Follomer AirForce has just a couple bases around the mainland and one on Lomni Island.


The current proclaimed government of the Follomer Chancellery is what it is named for, a Chancellery. Though it more resembles a Democratic Republic, shadowing its former state as a Republic. The Chancellery has an established court system and a National Council that deals with internal and international matters.
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